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Friday 14 December 2012 | 08:15 | 0 Sweet Cupcake

Ways to overcome barriers of communication

Communication is a major function of an office. The success of an organization depends to a very large extent upon its ability to communicate effectively with its employees and customers. Effective communication takes place when a thing is understood in the sense in which it has been communicated.
Effective communication is a good business and very essential for the success of an organization. It is a two-way process. It may not be possible to achieve perfect communication. The following are some of the measures which may be adopted by the management to overcome the barriers and maintain the effectiveness of communication.
1. Proper Language
The message should be expressed in simple, brief and clear language. Use of technical terms should be minimized. The words or symbols selected for conveying the message must be appropriate to the reference and understanding of the receiver.
2. Clarity and Completeness
Clarity of thought is the first essential of good communication. The language used should be simple and precise which the receiver can understand easily. Technical jargons and high sounding words should be avoided.
The contents of the communication should be adequate and complete. Incomplete message creates misunderstanding and delays in action. The message should be adequate and appropriate to the purpose of communication. The purpose of communication itself should be clearly defined.
3. Brevity
All communications should be brief. Unnecessary repetition and over elaboration should be avoided. The message should be concise and concrete. The communication must be well- planned and well-constructed.
It is very essential for the management to maintain an efficient flow of communication in all directions. The flow of information should be regulated to avoid information overloaded.
4. Attention
Careful listening is essential for effective communication. The receiver should pay complete attention to the message so that communication becomes effective. The communicator should convey the message in such a way that the emotions and sentiments of the receiver are not hurt. Proper listening and open mind are necessary for this purpose.
5. Integrity
The message sent must be consistent with the objectives, policies and programmes of the organization. Communication will be more effective if it is consistent than when it is varied. It is easier to follow consistent messages. To avoid credibility gap, management must ensure that their actions and deeds are in accordance with their communication.
6. Feedback
The effectiveness of communication is measured through feedback. Communication is a two-way process. The communication is complete when the receiver understands the message.
In case of face to face communication, immediate feedback by seeing the emotions and expressions on the face of the listener can be of great help to the communicator. There should be a follow up action to ensure that the message is rightly understood. All communications should be followed up to generate feedback.
7. Media
The method of communication to be adopted should be in conformity with the nature and purpose of the message to be conveyed. The medium and method of communication should be chosen carefully to suit the particular communication needs. The equipment and mechanical devices to be used should be carefully selected and well maintained to prevent breakdowns.
8. Avoid Premature Evaluation
To communicate effectively, one should be a good listener. Superiors should develop a habit of patient listening and avoid premature evaluation of communication from their subordinates. This will encourage free flow of upward communication.
9. Developing Relations
Business requires joint efforts for accomplishing its goals. The need is, therefore, to develop proper relations among people working in the office. This will automatically reduce or eliminate behavioral barriers to communication by encouraging co-operation.
An office manager should respect dignity and authority of his subordinates and be kind to them. Subordinates should also trust their superiors.
10. Gestures and Action
The way you say something is also very important along with the message for gestures such as a twinkle of an eye, a smile or a handshake etc. convey sometimes more meaning than even words spoken or written. The main reason is that action and deeds often speak louder and clear than words.